
£4 Million Boost for Estuary Campaign


£4 Million Boost for Estuary Campaign

Landowners and farmers in the Alde and Ore estuary have raised a £3 million fund through the East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board towards upgrading work on the Alde and Ore Estuary plan. This is in addition to over £1 million in pledges and cash so far given to the Alde and Ore Estuary Trust by landowners and farmers, making a total of £4 million towards the project.

Sir Edward Greenwell, Chairman of the AOEP, said “Landowners have made a substantial contribution to support the fund-raising efforts for this important project.    Our aims are to improve flood protection for all the local residents, businesses and the environment – not just farming – so we have greater certainty about flood risk over the next few decades. For the next 28 years, landowners will be paying £115,000 per year, a clear long term commitment to the importance of this project.”

Money already raised by landowners will be spent on the flood defence works across the whole estuary. These funds will also act as match-funding, enabling the IDB to apply for central government funds and support the Estuary Trust in accessing funding from a wider range of sources.

Professor Jane Maxim, chairman of the Funding Group and Trustee of The Alde & Ore Estuary Trust said “The Trust would very much like to thank local landowners for the contribution they have already made and their pledges of further financial support.”

Landowners and farmers, in discussion with The Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership and Trust, have also decided to take enabling development off the table as a mechanism for fund-raising for flood defences in the estuary.  Enabling development would have involved donations of small parcels of land from landowners and farmers, usually outside a village boundary, which might then have been given exceptional planning permission in order to raise funds for the project.

If you would like to find out more about The Alde & Ore Estuary project The Alde & Ore Estuary Partnership invite you to attend a public drop-in session on Wednesday 27th February 2019, 2pm – 8pm at Snape Maltings Trask Café. 

A presentation will be given at 6pm in the Recital Room to update everyone on the cost of upgrading the estuary walls, projected income, both local fundraising and Environment Agency / Government contributions and the proposed programme of works.  


The East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board role is to manage water levels for internationally and national important habitats which the Suffolk estuaries are famed for attracting millions of visitors- important for environment and local economy.  They also manage water levels to ensure the agricultural economy can function in very wet and very dry conditions, important for the food security, the local economy, jobs and growth.

For further information please contact Karen Thomas

The Alde and Ore Estuary Partnership has been working with County and District councils and statutory bodies to develop a plan for the future management of the river defences to protect the Estuary including businesses, houses, land and wildlife, and the local economy. The Final Estuary Plan which was agreed in June 2016 and was endorsed by all statutory bodies. The Partnership is chaired by Sir Edward Greenwell.

For further information please contact Amanda Bettinson


The Alde and Ore Estuary Trust is a charity set up by the AOEP and is responsibility for fundraising and management of the funds to enable the Partnership to deliver the Estuary Plan on behalf of the local community. The Trust is chaired by Guy Heald.

For further information please contact Prof. Jane Maxim

For further information
please contact
Alison Andrews,
Temporary Honorary Secretary on  

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