Flood Cell 6 & 7
Click the image above to view the Flood Cell 6 & 7 map with colour key
FC6 – A small area of scrub just west of the Snape Maltings complex runs into permanent wet grassland and further west semi-permanent wet grassland. Both areas are grazed by cattle and sheep. About 20% of the flood cell is in arable. There is a freshwater coarse fishing lake at Blaxhall.
FC 7 – is a complex mix of habitats including arable, semi-permanent and permanent wet grasslands, reedbed, water meadow and man-made freshwater lakes. The eastern end of the flood cell comprises Snape Marshes with a mosaic of wetland habitats including cattle-grazed permanent wet grassland. Other habitats in this area include; herb-rich meadows, reedbed, scrub and wet woodland. Good populations of plants and butterflies are present. 14 species of dragonfly have been recorded.
The map above and the upgrade design document below detail the work we need to do.
To Download the full plan, please click the link below
– Flood Cell 6 & 7 Upgrade Designs