Third time lucky for cranes as young fledged for first time on Suffolk coast this year
Cranes successfully raised two chicks on RSPB Snape Wetlands Nature Reserve in Suffolk earlier this year. They are the first ever recorded pair to fledge young on the Suffolk coast. The 82 hectare (202 acres) wetland near Snape Maltings is relatively new, with initial work to convert dry grassland into wetland and reedbed starting in 2008, forging […]
EIFCA have been made aware that strong winds have led to several mass strandings of marine fauna along the Norfolk and Suffolk coasts recently. It is important to know that some stranded species, in particular types of starfish, may contain Paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) toxins that could be harmful to humans and dogs if consumed. […]
The AONB – Help with homes for swifts
The Suffolk Coast and Heaths Unit, AONB, has partnered with the Suffolk Bird Group and the Suffolk Wildlife Trust to look for suitable sites in the AONB to install swift boxes and callers. If anyone is interested in providing homes for swifts can they please contact / 07734 967782. Swifts have declined by 45% […]
The AONB – Help with redshank surveys this summer and autumn
Help with redshank surveys this summer and autumn The redshank was selected as the flagship species to represent the Coast and Heaths AONB by various environmental partners last September (details here: ). The AONB has received funding from Natural England to run a redshank awareness campaign this summer and autumn which will involve putting up some redshank signs, […]