
Flood Cell 11


This cell is on Orford Ness between the estuary and Stony Ditch, a channel which drains much of the Ness. The National Trust own and are responsible for the majority of this cell and for managing the maintenance of the defences. Lantern Marshes is the more northerly of the two and is home to a large radio transmitter and receiver station. Kings Marshes includes a handful of former military buildings that have been converted to house the National Trust’s facilities. A group of these buildings are Grade II listed. The diversity of the wetland habitats types present is of particular significance to birds occurring in the SPA (Special Protection Area), as these provide a range of opportunities for feeding, roosting and breeding within the site complex.
Protected status is:   Alde/Ore SPA, Orford Ness/Shingle Street SAC, Alde/Ore/Butley Estuaries SSSI, Orford Ness/Havergate National Nature Reserve and Alde/Ore Estuary, Ramsar site Designated 1961. Intertidal habitat in front of the defences is internationally designated.  


Ordnance Survey Map showing full extent of Flood Cell 11

For further information
please contact
Alison Andrews,
Temporary Honorary Secretary on  

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