

The Partnership has been working for a number of years on Saltings Regeneration trial projects.   Salt marsh plants at the toe, or bottom, of the wall help to dissipate the wave action and so help to prevent the wall eroding.   The aim of the various materials used is to reduce the wave action and allow the sediment to slowly build up to a stage where plants can establish.

At a site just off Ferry Point, opposite Slaughden Quay, there has been a dramatic loss of saltings. This was a small project of a length of 100m where a plasticised mesh (UV resistant) was placed in front of the existing salting to act as a breaker to reduce long term salting damage and to hopefully encourage salting recreation due to the reduction in water flow (to allow the sediment to drop. This project was fully funded by the Sustainable Development Fund and was completed within budget. Authorisation was required from the Environment Agency and Natural England and the project was wholly managed by the landowner.  Although the project was small it nevertheless shows that smaller bite size pieces can be carried out by landowners before major damage has occurred.     COST: £2,185.12 Financed by a Sustainable Development Grant.

Orford, Slaughden and Brick Dock Three saltmarsh projects of varying scale and situation have been carried out by the AOEP during 2013. These are designed to demonstrate the best combination of materials using Tensar mesh and hazel faggots in a number of locations to test reaction to a variety of wave actions and situations.  These projects can be seen at low tide and are located just south of Orford Quay at the far end of Orford Beach, by the wreck of the Iona on the Slaughden footpath and further round at Brick Dock.   COST: about £22,000 Financed by SCC, SCDC, Jackson Trust and Councillor Richard Smith.

A further 5 trial areas were completed in 2015 at Brick Dock.

Brick Dock data and map
Iona data and map
Slaughden data and map
Orford Quay data and map

Volunteers are always very welcome to help cut and bundle up hazel faggots which are used in the construction of the baffles at the toe of the wall. These are usually cut around late winter in Butley Woods. If you would like to join a great day in the woods please contact

Although it is early days the project sites are showing very positive results. If you would like to help on the monitoring programme which takes place quarterly, please contact

The Orford Chantry Wall Project – a project designed by Hawes Associates, and managed by the East Suffolk Internal Drainage Board in partnership with the Environment Agency who funded it.  The project uses new ways of protecting the back of the flood defences and securing the raised crest. This area of flood defence is also a well used footpath so Suffolk County Council Rights of Way were also involved. The project was completed on time and in budget. The Right of Way was diverted for a further few months whilst the grass established prior to use.  A new product was used on the Right of Way top of the defence which should not only help maintain the strength of the defence but also protect the defence from long term foot fall damage.   This project is an excellent example of funding being available through the EA and works being carried out by the local IDB.    COST: £54,594.66 Financed by Public money in the EA budget for Trial projects.

This work was instigated by the East Suffolk IDB and was funded by the landowners.  It involved the improvement to the structure of the defence and raising the defence to make it resilient to a 1 in 200yr event. This work was carried out in 2011 and the Environment Agency was fully consulted throughout the whole project.  This is an example of work being fully carried out and managed by the local IDB and funded privately due to it being in area deemed unsuitable for funding from the EA.

COST: £45,406.48  Landowner Funded which has been apportioned to the beneficiaries according to Drainage Rateable Values as follows:

Boyton Hall Farms : £12,516.48 (28%)
, Capel St Andrews Farms : £18,320.54 (40%),
   Greenwell Farms : £14,569.46 (32%), 
As the fourth landowner in the flood cell, RSPB would have paid £8,395.06 (18%) had they supported the project, which would have reduced costs proportionately. All costs are subject to Vat at 20%.

For further information
please contact
Alison Andrews,
Temporary Honorary Secretary on  

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